Amy Runs New York

For the second year in a row I will be running the ING New York City Marathon with Team For Kids. Team for Kids is a great foundation that raises money to start and maintain running programs for kids in New York City public schools that may lack any sort of formal physical education program. I ask your support in helping me reach my goal to raise $2,000 for Team for Kids this year. If you would like to donate please follow the links and use my entrant number 18916

Sunday, September 24, 2006

20 Miles...well not exactly 20

I ran with Team For Kids this morning. Here you can see the route we did - we started on 168th street ran up a few blocks and over the GW bridge, did most of the miles in Palisades park in NJ, and then turned around and came back. The route doesn't look so bad right?? Well, it was quite possibly (okay definitely) the worst run I've ever had.

I still don't know what happened exactly but I slowed down considerably after mile 6 and then pretty much lost it all by mile 12. I ended up walking quite a bit of the way back after that - and even had to take breaks from walking to just lean over! I felt a nauseous, could barely lift my legs and my back was severely hurting for the second half of the run. It actually hurt more when I walked then when I ran. Overall it was a disaster and I had really been looking for the run to go smoothly and be a confidence booster. Oh well. It was one of those days where I continually asked myself - why do I do this? Is it really supposed to be enjoyable? And then I kept telling myself - I'm never running a marathon again! Okay, I'm going to run NY, I know that, but I sure hope I feel a lot better that day.

I was somewhat comforted to hear that almost everyone had had a really tough time out there... it was a combination of hot, humid, and really hilly. I don't do well at all with any of those, and especially not the hills. Once I get behind on a hill I find it hard to catch up to my group and then I get frustrated. I think for the 23 miler I might move back a group, so I get at least get one solid long run in and have some company.

I hate to say it but I dont think there is anyway I'm going to meet my original goal for the marathon of 3:40. Now I'm more focused on just breaking that 4 hour barrier again, by the way I've been running even that might be tough! 6 more weeks until marathon day, I need to get busy!!


At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Amy-

Jillian Rendace found your blog and sent it to me.

I'm training for the Marathon as well. Not going to be running your pace (ha ha) . . . hoping to make it in under 4:30, which right now I should be able to do without a problem.

I totally hear you with running yesterday. I ran 15 miles, with lots of hills and feel totally sick today. I'm sure it's dehydration even though I drank a lot on the run.

Anyway, good luck with training! Maybe we'll run into each other race day!

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hang in there and focus on staying relaxed. Stress really sucks. Good idea to run your 23 miler with the more relaxed pace group. Don't think about it too much, you've already conquered the Marathon. Have a little fun with it. Remember many people are in awe that you will be running another sub 4 hr Marathon.


At 2:14 AM, Blogger TFK Bob said...

People have different abilities, my pace group (all 5 of us) proved to be quite different, especially on the hills. No need to try and catch up on the hills or when you get back onto flat surfaces, just do your own thing. I know you've been working hard lately, try and get some rest. :o) And Eugene is right, just have fun at the marathon and drop back a pace group (great way to meet new people!)

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Dave Wakeman's Blog said...


If you ever need to run with our pace are always welcome!


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