Marathon Day Video
Some video of me and Lisa running NY. Our sister Sue shot the footage as she was helping Bob with the TFK video - thanks!
Lisa & Amy at the 2006 NYC Marathon
For the second year in a row I will be running the ING New York City Marathon with Team For Kids. Team for Kids is a great foundation that raises money to start and maintain running programs for kids in New York City public schools that may lack any sort of formal physical education program. I ask your support in helping me reach my goal to raise $2,000 for Team for Kids this year. If you would like to donate please follow the links and use my entrant number 18916
Some video of me and Lisa running NY. Our sister Sue shot the footage as she was helping Bob with the TFK video - thanks!
Only 6 more days to go! I can't wait for Sunday to be here...and then be over! I have no idea how I am going to do, so instead of thinking about it I just want to go out and run it. The weather forecast is looking really good...much better than the last two years when it was too hot for me (70 and sunny), though perfect for watching.
On Saturday I ran 23 miles... and I actually felt great (or as great as one can running 23 miles)!! We started on West 72nd street on the river - ran up to 105th, turned around and continued all the way down and around the bottom of Manhattan and up to East 25th street, where we then turned around and ran all the way back to West 72nd. So essentially we ran around Manhattan and back!